those who obey and submit to our lord's holy light

shall be free and enter heaven

"a friend from church told me God spoke to him -be carefull- he warned me -the 3 of them will soon turn against you-."


do as i say+ MY HOUSEHOLD'S HOLY COMMANDMENTS +and i promise i'll never hurt you again

1-“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of your mother's womb, made you who you are, who gifted you a roof over your heads, food in your stomachs, who withers and decays in a deadend job to gift you those blessings. You shall have no other gods before Me."

2-“You shall not make for yourself a carved or painted image, shall not feed your head with thoughts of a future that is anything but the one i've envisioned for you for you are incapable of making decisions, or talk about any likeness of anything that speaks lies and deceit of what i have and haven't done to you, or imply that i've commited mistakes or indulged in abusive behavior; you shall bow down to me and thank me for my everyday sacrifice despite of the pain i might have caused you. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments."

3-“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."

4-“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work and you shall work to your very soul's decay, no matter the pain the world or i might have caused you, no matter the contradictions and long rants i may display over you, no matter your physical burdens such as womb cramps or shortness of breath, no matter my attempts of silencing you and your agonizing pain through gaslighting and burnout arguments that might result in a attempt against the holy gift of life i gave you, no matter the loneliness i have induced on you by constant social isolation since your early childhoods in the divine task to protect you from this wretched world, no matter the crushing guilt i might have given you over the fact you are the reason i've abandoned my hopes and dreams and you should be greatful for that; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days i made your heavens and your earth, your mind, and all that is in them. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it, you have no other choice as to follow the holy path of becoming a good christian, if not you are scorn that will burn in hell... not the one from the scriptures, but the one i should release upon you for being ungreatful children."

5-“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the i am giving you, any attempt of protecting, defending or sheltering yourself from me and my actions is the ultimate disrepect in which your days will -and have been- shorten for as punishement."

6-“You shall not murder the life I gave you, no matter through deviating from the virtudes i see fit or the path i set up for you in my sacrifice- nor through an attempt of escape through death."

7-“You shall not commit adultery against my vision of the perfect child i want you to be. No said ilnesses or sinful queer ways of life- remember what the Lord said- if you do so, you are abomination and shall burn in the fiery pits of hell after the one i unleash upon you on your time in this Land."

8-“You shall not steal my hopes and dreams for a better future by being born, even if i was the one who brought you to this world through the holy seed God has given me."

9-“You shall not bear false witness against your Father and God. I have never laughed at your suicide attempts; i have never physically assaulted you in a car; i have never treated your mother like i treat everyone else who's beneath me- that was your fault; i have never ignored your cries for help when you told me of your sexual assault on that day in the church; i have never said i wouldn't have made you into this world if i knew i would fail; i have never humiliated you in front of a restaurant; i have never unleashed the same amount of wrath upon your sibling and you should be greatful for it -since that would also be your fault; i have never driven you to suicide multiple times by weaponizing your traumas -that was your responsibility, i didn't tried commiting suicide- that was you; i have never attemped to control the way you dress, speak, behave or react to your trauma; i have never invaded your privacy looking for any excuse to unleash my stressful sorrows into you under the lie i was only concerned about you; i have never punished you by taking away the things you love and bring you confort through your trauma and pain helping you deal with your issues as a child or an adult; i have never forced you to converse and for you to trust me with and about your traumas only to mock it as an attention seeking attempt; i have never taken away years of your life through isolation; i have never taken away attempts and options of escaping My Household or the toxic enviroment you breathe in; i have never prioritized school over your mental and physical health; i have never psychologically abused you; i have never gaslighted you; i have never spread around stories about you being a disrespectful, lying manipulator in an attempt to make myself look better than i already am; i have never indulged in pornography- that was you; i have never put your mother through any long eggshell walks like i did to you rendering her numb, unsympathetic of your suffering and afraid of confronting me about my mistakes or shelter you from the abuse others have unleashed upon you; i have never used God and his holy texts to justify my actions, lie or manipulate you into ceasing a behavior i find unpleasent or guiltrip you into submission; i have never manipulated and gaslighted you with my actions- or using any good christian psychologists or psychiatrists to reinforce my narratives- shifting the blame onto you, therefore making you believe that you deserve this all of this punishement plus many other distressful events for being a horrible manipulative person that has hurt me, your mother, your sibling and everyone around you for being so broken and destroyed inside. You are a liar, an attention seeker; how dare you even think about making this vent site, False witness."

10-“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is not the life of existential dread and eggshell walks you know now and have been in all the life I gave you.”

"it is my Godgiven birthright and fatherly duty to do this to you"